Ten years ago when we arrived in Rwinkwavu, there were no adult literacy programs and schools had few, if any books, learning material and trained teachers.
Today, led by our committed local Rwandan team, Ready for Readings’ Rwinkwavu Community Library Center has become the education, information, cultural and social hub and the heart of the community. It stands as a beacon of opportunity, hope and healing, not only in our region, but as a country-wide model for libraries, instrumental to their development in Rwanda.
In October, Ready for Reading was awarded 1 of 15 David Rubenstein Best Practices Literacy Awards from the Library of Congress, given to organizations doing exemplary, innovative and replicable work for universal literacy. We are honored to be recognized from a world-wide field of nominees. It is a testament to the hard work and commitment everyone at Ready for Reading brings to their community and their country.